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Innovative tools for the heritage sector

During the closing event of the C4Education project, there was an extensive reflection on the project's successes, including the development of the Heritage Innovation Lab: a virtual lab for GLAM organizations (“Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums”) that provides the opportunity to better connect the cultural heritage sector with new digital developments.

During the closing event of the C4Education project, there was an extensive reflection on the project's successes, including the development of the Heritage Innovation Lab: a virtual lab for GLAM organizations (“Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums”) that provides the opportunity to better connect the cultural heritage sector with new digital developments.

Vrouw met VR bril op een paarse achtergrond

The final online event was held last month for educators, researchers, and innovators who are committed to preserving and promoting European cultural heritage. The Heritage Innovation Lab has been developed to bridge the gap between GLAM organisations and providers of new technological tools, as well as facilitate the use of these tools within the cultural heritage sector. Over the past two years, the project partners – the University of Jena, Sound & VisionICARUS, and  Time Machine Organization – have worked together in creating an innovative platform. This platform brings together various applied technologies within the cultural heritage sector, including AI, 3D sound and XR. Sound & Vision played an important role in the assessment and selection of tools that could be of real added value to GLAM organisations. For instance, the Heritage XR tool uses VR to allow users to view 3D reconstructions of historical buildings that no longer exist at their actual physical location. Another tool, NOUS Sonic, is an interactive 3D audio system that uses motion detection to create immersive, realistic and captivating experiences for museum visitors.

Grafisch beeld van een huis

Selection criteria for the tools

The technological tools offered in the virtual lab have been selected based on specific criteria: their relevance to the cultural heritage sector, their degree of innovative application, and their technological potential. The main focus was the integration of tools to enhance creativity with cultural heritage, as well as optimising project proposals using the latest technological developments. These technologies have the potential to revolutionise the way cultural heritage is preserved and presented. The Heritage Innovation Lab is dedicated to promoting Europe’s rich stories and cultural traditions through the use of advanced applied technologies. 

New opportunities 

In the upcoming period, Time Machine Organization will explore strategic plans for further developing the Heritage Innovation Lab. Sound & Vision will be consulted in this period due to the organisation’s experience when it comes to drafting innovative and successful project proposals. The success of C4Education not only marks the conclusion of an important project aimed at encouraging cultural institutions to embrace new technological developments, but also the beginning of new opportunities for the cultural heritage sector. With the launch of the Heritage Innovation Lab, the project partners have fostered innovation and collaboration between GLAM organisations and developers of new digital tools. This initiative can significantly impact how we preserve and present our cultural history and inspire us to view our past with a creative perspective. 

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